Writer Bee Beardsworth has just reviewed Candy, Dominic Dispirito’s dual-show with Christina BanBan at The Dot Project in London. She writes: “If Candy…were a sweet, it would be a gobstopper: a cacophony of bright, childlike colours slowly dissolving to reveal layer after layer of thought-provoking messages and meaning.” You can find the full review here.
THE DOT PROJECT | 6 October 2017
Recent Slade MFA graduate Dominic Dispirito has been included in a new dual-show with Christina BanBan entitled Candy at The Dot Project in London. The show, which grapples with how to navigate a world saturated by consumerism, digital imagery, humour and the struggle of everyday life, will run through 26 November. You can find more information here.
AMADEUS | 04 October 2017
Amadeus Magazine has written a glowing review of Candy, Dominic Dispirito’s dual show with Christina BanBan at The Dot Project. They write: “Dispirito focuses on subjective human states of being. His subject matter is isolated and reduced, becoming the focus for painterly exercises in color, volume and style.” You can read the full review here.