ARTNET NEWS | 18 September 2018


artnet News mentions Molly Soda in an article about young artists’ strategies to get attention and sponsorship outside their gallery space. The author writes: “While making compelling artworks online is certainly a great way to garner a large and dedicated following, it’s not exactly the road to riches. So it makes perfect sense that Soda would make an account on Drip to ask her followers for financial support in exchange for her content”. Read the article here.

ISTHISIT? GALLERY | 22 December 2017


“Selfie”, 2017, a work created by Olga Fedorova for her solo show Generic Jungle at AKG, is included in the online group exhibition Why don’t we get a kickstarter going for an ISP? hosted by isthisit? Gallery and curated by Bob Bicknell-Knight. The show, staged in the wake of the ‘death’ of net neutrality in the United States, explores the limits of information control and the power associated with corporate grips on digital information pathways. Opening 22 December, the exhibition will run through 22 January 2018 and include artists such as Andy Holden, Ann Hirsch, Constant Dullaart, Eva Papamargariti, and Jacob Kudsk Steensen, among others. For more information and to see the show, click here.