DROOL Creatives has featured Short Term Memories, Olga Fedorova’s second solo show at Annka Kultys Gallery. The exhibition features three large scale prints on glass, a video on a new type of transparent glass screen that the artist has developed, and three granite sculptures. To check out the listing, click here.
DROOL | 5 August 2018
DROOL Creatives has featured AKG Summer exhibition Terms and Conditions May Apply curated by Bob Bicknell-Knight. The exhibition will include sculptures, videos, simulations, drawings, paintings and prints from 15 national and international artists. To check out the listing, click here.
DROOL | 11 May 2018
DROOL Creatives has featured Me and my gurls, Molly Soda’s third solo show at Annka Kultys Gallery. In the show, Soda has created an installation that mimics the interior of her computer screen, effectively inviting the visitor into her desktop space. To check out the listing, click here.
DROOL CREATIVES | 10 January 2018
Drool Creatives has listed Cacotopia 02 on their exhibitions page. To see the full posting, click here.