Stine Deja’s new media works and installations take us on a journey, exploring the contemporary dynamics of emotional language between humans and machines, as well as reflections on the extension of life. Her media encompasses video animation, mixed media installations, and kinetic sculptures. Deja’s thought-provoking installations, incorporating video, digital surrogates, movement, or sound, challenge viewers to contemplate the evolving relationship between technology and humanity, revealing the underlying emotional currents and ethical considerations. Audiences are invited to engage with her work on multiple sensory levels, prompting questions about identity, existence, and the future of human interaction in a digitally mediated world.

I’m interested in translating bodily organic functions and emotional languages into non-human beings as a kind of what-if exercise. In the ‘Foreigner’ video for example, the singing character has all the expressions of someone losing themselves in a romantic song, which evokes complicated feelings for the viewer who is aware of the fact that the character is non-human and incapable of “knowing what love is”.
– Stine Deja

4K Zen: Stine Deja – An exclusive week-long streaming on Art Review’s online platform. Art-Lovers Move Club presented Stine Deja’s video 4K Zen, a two part project originally commissioned for the Roskilde Festival in Denmark in 2017, then at the ANNKA KULTYS GALLERY booth at Code Art Fair. →

Alice Bucknell has written a profile of Stine Deja for Issue No. 28 of Cura Magazine. Discussing the artist’s two-person show with Marie Munk, Synthetic Seduction at ANNKA KULTYS GALLERY, Bucknell writes: “Synthetic Seduction asked if the apparent benefits of a low-stakes and immediate intimacy—whether in the form of face-scan emojis or late-night drunken Tinder binges—are actually less valuable than they seem, in fact asking from us a larger sacrifice than we might realize. Rather than conferring an obvious approval or disapproval rating on the matter, the duo’s response was far more ambiguous, subjective, and very nearly sentient.” →

Stine Deja has been interviewed and profiled by Daphne Milner for It’s Nice That. Focusing on her work 4K Zen, the author explores Deja’s relationship to the commodification of mindfulness. Describing her impetus in creating the project, Deja says: “4K Zen is a stress diet that promises an escape from the complexity of modern life by combining meditation and infomercials. I created it at a time when I felt haunted by bad news politically, societally and environmentally.” Deja’s two-person show, Synthetic Seduction, with Marie Munk, opened at ANNKA KULTYS GALLERY on 21 February 2018. →

Stine Deja’s new media works and installations take us on a journey, exploring the contemporary dynamics of emotional language between humans and machines, as well as reflections on the extension of life. Her media encompasses video animation, mixed media installations, and kinetic sculptures. Deja’s thought-provoking installations, incorporating video, digital surrogates, movement, or sound, challenge viewers to contemplate the evolving relationship between technology and humanity, revealing the underlying emotional currents and ethical considerations. Audiences are invited to engage with her work on multiple sensory levels, prompting questions about identity, existence, and the future of human interaction in a digitally mediated world.
Stine Deja was born in Denmark in 1986 and currently lives and works in Copenhagen. She received her MA in Visual Communication (Moving Image) from the Royal College of Art in 2015 and her BA in Interaction Design from Kolding School of Design in 2012.
Since 2017, her work has been represented by ANNKA KULTYS GALLERY. The artist has had four gallery solo exhibitions, including CYPHORIA, a virtual travel agency that explored the techno-social phenomenon of living concurrently outside/inside the machine, then There is Life Outside intended as an exposé of our increasingly artificial world. In 2018, Deja also collaborated with the artist Marie Munk on the exhibition Synthetic Seduction examining synthesised intimacy. In 2020, her fourth solo show Last Resort at ANNKA KULTYS GALLERY featured a new series of mixed media sculptures, based on Deja’s latest research into immortality and life-extending treatments.
A select exhibition history of the artist includes shows at: Vestjyllands Kunstpavillon, Videbaek, Denmark (2021); Tranen, Hellerup, Denmark (2021); KÖNIG GALERIE, Berlin, Germany (2021); HeK Museum, Basel, Switzerland (2020); ANNKA KULTYS GALLERY, London, UK (2020); PERMM Museum of Contemporary Art, Perm, Russia (2020); Somerset House, London, UK (2020); MdbK, Leipzig, Germany (2019); Tranen, Hellerup, Denmark (2019); Schimmel Project, Dresden, Germany (2018); ANNKA KULTYS GALLERY, London, UK (2018); SixtyEight Art Institute, Copenhagen, Denmark (2018); ANNKA KULTYS GALLERY, London, UK (2017); Assembly Point, London, UK (2016); Bargehouse, London, UK (2016); Concrete Lab, Copenhagen, Denmark (2015); Hockney Gallery, London, UK (2015); Fringe Film Festival, London, UK (2014); Dansk Kvindesamfund, Copenhagen, Denmark (2014).
Work by the artist is represented in permanent European private and public collections, including the ARKEN Museum for Moderne Kunst, Ishøj, the Danish Arts Foundation, Copenhagen, and Esbjerg Kunstmuseum and the New Carlsberg Foundation.