Gallerytalk has interviewed Stine Deja about the impact of technology on our day-today emotions, coinciding with her feature in the group show Real Feelings at HeK, Basel (article in German).
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Gallerytalk has interviewed Stine Deja about the impact of technology on our day-today emotions, coinciding with her feature in the group show Real Feelings at HeK, Basel (article in German).
Stine Deja’s work Foreigner (2018) has been featured by CLOT Magazine in an article about the forthcoming show Real Feelings: Technology and Emotion at HeK in Basel.
Digicult has written a review of Future Love: Desire and Kinship in Hypernature, a group show at Haus der electronischen Künste Basel featuring works by !Mediengruppe Bitnik.
Tom Hägler of RTS has reviewed Future Love. Desire and Kinship in Hypernature, an exhibition of artworks that explore technologically mediated intimacy in the modern world at HeK Basel, and which features !Mediengruppe Bitnik (article in French).