Ivan Liovik Ebel is interviewed by ArtVerge. The article “Spaces in Between: Analysing Ivan Liovik Ebel’s Relational Aesthetics” not only provides important insights into the artist’s arts making process but also some more personal elements of his character. His work was featured at AKG in Zero Zero summer group exhibition. Read the full interview here.
BERLIN ART LINK | 17 July 2016
Romily Alice reviews Annka Kultys Gallery’s exhibition Zero Zero for Berlin Art Link.
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MOUSSE MAGAZINE | 14 July 2016
The gallery group exhibition Zero Zero on view at Annka Kultys Gallery is featured in Mousse Magazine.
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NOWNESS | 6 July 2016
Nowness’ feature Zero Zero Takeover reports Annka Kultys Gallery’s summer group show Zero Zero.
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THE QUIETUS | 1 July 2016
Zero Zero, at Annka Kultys Gallery, was reviewed by Robert Barry for The Quietus.
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