Ben Elliot’s digital show, which took place on the Annka Kultys Gallery website, has been noted by Flash Art.
Annka Kultys Gallery: “Unreleased Selfies” by Ben Elliot
Annka Kultys is pleased to present Ben Elliot’s “Unreleased Selfies“, the first ever solo exhibition by the French artist Ben Elliot as part of the gallery’s third online exhibition. The twenty six selfies presented are made during Covid-19 quarantine, and are part of the ongoing series started in 2017. The works explore various moods and emotions, such as sadness, joy, fear, and excitement the artist experienced during the the period of confinement.
The artist notes: “They are selfies that I originally took for my Instagram. I never published them because they were not good enough or because they were outtakes of other selfies. It is a kind of behind-the-scenes of my posts.”
“I like the fact that you can only properly see these pictures in the context of an exhibition, while they were initially made in order to be accessible anytime and anywhere online.”