THE GUARDIAN | 28 May 2021

Jonathan Jones names Ai-Da Robot’s Design Museum exhibition as his exhibition of the week for The Guardian.

Ai-Da the robot painter, Iranian epics and a gaze at God – the week in art

By Jonathan Jones

Exhibition of the week

Ai-Da: Portrait of the Robot 
Enter the uncanny valley with this realistic humanoid robot who can draw “herself”. Is that art? So what is art? Plenty to think about. Read more.
Design Museum, London until 29 August

Also showing

Royal Portraits: From Tudors to Windsors 
We seem as fascinated by the monarchy as ever, one way or another. This exhibition reveals how the images of British royals have been shaped since the Renaissance. 
National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, 28 May-31 October

Conversations With God 
A free exhibition about the 19th-century Polish artist Jan Matejko’s history painting of the revolutionary astronomer Copernicus, this is the first time the National Gallery has ever shown Polish art. 
National Gallery, London, until 22 August

Nero: The Man Behind the Myth 
Some wonderful things here, from statues of Nero and other members of the imperial family to Pompeiian frescoes, whatever you think of the exhibition’s thesis that Nero was not the monster history has made of him. 
British Museum, London, until 24 October.

An enormous space rocket could be next up on Trafalgar Square’s fourth plinth – or a Ghanaian grain silo, a bobbly man, a giant jewellery tree, missionaries in Africa, or a memorial to murdered transgender women. Six shortlisted ideas have been unveiled at London’s National Gallery for the sculpture commission, which rotates normally every 18 months, and the public can help pick two winners, to be installed in 2022 and 2024.

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